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  Name: Elise
  Home: Riverdale, Lake Tahoe, United States
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Dragon's Blog

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I think I hate technology... u.u
My life rocks.
  • I have maybe eight friends that I would consider to be 'best'; four of which I'm not currently in touch with, one I'm mad at, and one I think is mad at me.
  • About a week ago the internet on my mom's laptop (our only computer) stopped working. Its been at Pc/Laptops since Friday, when they said they'd call after the first hour of service... and they still haven't called back.
  • I get to get my locker with some friends today, but I have to wait until next week to have an actual scheduel. So... I'm going to school, I just don't know where in school...
  • Hey look! A bright side! I have art classes tonight with both my old and new teachers (did I mention Sheila's leaving?? u.u) I'll upload a photo of the finished product when I'm done. All I have to do tonight is finish with the background.
  • I still have no clue how to use a computer, and no clue how to do anything about it.
  • Another bright side! ... sorta... I got a NEW HP Pavilion PC... which all my friends are giving me crap about cuz it has Vista >.<>

is that it? idk. I guess for now. u.u

hmmm... my life is boring... lol

posted by Elise @ 4:22 AM  
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